Iesl Ee&Tesc Industrial Visit To Ltl Transformers (Pvt) Ltd
By Eng. Kanthi Jayaweera Committee Member (EE&TESC)
Industrial field visits are essential for professional engineers to keep phase with rapid developments in technologies and to gain understanding of the industry practices. With this idea in mind, the Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering Sectional Committee (EE& TESC) organized a visit to the factory of LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd at Angulana on 20th April, 2021 1.00pm onwards.
Due to pandemic situation, arrangements were made to accommodate a small group adhering to the COVID-19 health guidelines. This was a very useful and engaging event for which a group of seventeen (17) engineers in Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication disciplines participated.
LTL Transformers (Pvt) Ltd is one of the largest power sector engineering companies in Sri Lanka. The company was established in 1980s and was formally known as Lanka Transformers Limited covering manufacture of transformers - an essential component in the process of transmission and distribution of electrical energy. The company has now grown to cover design and manufacture of transformers to a global clientele in 20 countries.
Site visit was a very engaging learning experience that gave the chance to have close inspection of the entire process of Design, Manufacture and Testing. The staff was very helpful in explaining the processes detailing out every step.
Eng M. R. Ranathunga (Chairman- EE & TESC, IESL) and Eng Bhasura Liyanage (Secretary -EE &TESC, IESL) were instrumental in organizing this event. We wish LTL Transformers all the very best to continue the success story and become the global leader in the transformer sector!